From rodeo cowboy to radio cowboy. I have made this change in the last few months and it is probably the best way to describe this situation, which has turned my life upside down. That's why this song is especially close to my heart, so I decided to give my debut album just this title and put this song on the CD as song No. 1.
My first radio tour in May 2019 took me from Denver to Seattle, countless miles through the most beautiful landscapes that America has to offer. In addition, at a fantastic time of the year, when nature awoke from its hibernation.
It was during a break that I took in Oregon next to the highway when I was able to record the song "Radio Cowboy" on paper for the first time. Parts of the song went through my head for a few miles in the car, so I finally ran right and took pen and paper to hand.
Looking back today, it was probably a coincidence that I decided at the time to go right and record my thoughts on paper. Because this song hits the nail on the head. I consciously chose the cover photo with cigarette for this song. When I am asked what makes my success, I always answer: "Be yourself"
This photo was taken during my last photo shoot in Nashville during a little break. My team and I thought the photo was too good not to publish. After all, it stands for my motto "be real" and therefore fits perfectly with the song that describes me.